Local entrepreneurs bringing their creations to your life

1. It's fun. Make Texas Local Small Business Artisan Market your tradition. Sleep in, meet for breakfast at a local independent café (or wait for the Saloon Door kitchen to get cooking), then get out here and visit with us. Shopping with us keeps money in your community, supports small businesses, and creates long-lasting relationships with our vendors.
2. When you shop locally, you support locals! The bulk of the money you spend and most of your taxes stay local — According to the
research firm Civic Economics, for every $100 you spend in a local small business, $68 stays in your community.
3. You get your money's worth, an absolutely unique product, free advice, and great networking opportunities.
4. You can find great deals and meet some fantastic folks.
5. You help to strengthen your community. Local businesses are owned by people who live in your town, go to your church or synagogue,
donate to local animal shelters, and coach Little League teams. When you spend money with them, you support your neighbors.
6. AMAZING TOYS! Walk into a toy superstore, and you'll find aisles of pink and blue plastic that'll end up at Goodwill by spring. Instead,
at an independent vendor event, you'll find toys that will spark kids' imaginations, help them learn, and be a lot of fun while supporting a
local small business.
7. You'll create jobs. Local businesses create local jobs.
8. You'll find "where did you get that item? Unique items that show off the uniqueness of small business and local talent.
9. Get pampered! The best gift is often an experience — a spa day, golf lesson, cooking class, hunting expeditions, and more.
Check your local independent businesses for great services to give as gifts.
10. Its a wonderful feeling to help a neighbor.